Saturday, April 26, 2014

Homemade Natural Toothpaste-A Recipe for Remineralization

Homemade toothpaste is a simple, natural alternative to the traditional store bought stuff. The best part? It's effective and easy to make. Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here. First, let's look at that toothpaste in your bathroom.

Homemade Natural Toothpaste

Traditional Toothpaste

Do you know about glycerin? Yes? Great!

What about other than that it's involved in soap making? Hey! Don't you know first rule of Fight Club?

Well, if you don't know much else, not to worry. I can sum up the important stuff really quickly. Ready? Here it is:

It's probably in your toothpaste, and it probably shouldn't be. 

     Glycerin is a transparent liquid with the consistency of syrup. That's what gives traditional toothpaste its texture. It has no color or scent, but it does have a sweet taste. It turns out that it also coats your teeth and keeps them from remineralizing, which, (surprise!) our bodies are equipped to do. That's right-it's believed that you can actually heal your teeth. The human body is amazing at healing itself when we stop fighting it tooth and nail. Yup, pun intended.

     Along with the glycerin, traditional toothpastes also come jam packed with a bunch of chemicals, like triclosan and triclocarban. These chemicals, often found in antibacterial or antimicrobial products, have been found to affect hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, contribute to antibiotic resistance, and even promote breast and prostate cancer. When you use toothpaste containing these chemicals, they can stay in your saliva for hours. Mmm...that sounds like something you want to put in your mouth, right? No? Wrong?! Okay, so how about an alternative?

My Story

     The whole idea of making my own toothpaste started when I went to the dentist and learned that I had two cavities and one more tooth that was beginning to decay. I was brushing two times a day with a popular store bought toothpaste. So how did I end up with rotting teeth?

     I scoured the internet like you're doing right now (Hey, how does she know that?) and realized that if I was going to have a chance of undoing my tooth damage and preventing more from forming, I was going to have to go against what I had been told my whole life and throw away my tube of toothpaste. There are some products available that are natural and do not contain glycerin, but they're not easy to find in most stores. So, I decided to try making my own. I'm always up for an adventure!

     I got the two cavities filled right away, but then immediately stared using my homemade toothpaste. When I went back to the dentist 7 months later for another check-up, I had no new cavities (I always have new cavities) and the tooth that had begun to decay hadn't progressed any further and still did not need to be filled. My dentist even said, "I can tell that your home care is impeccable. You have almost no plaque." That's the good news.

     The bad news: I had very minor gun disease in 4 teeth. It's worth noting, however, that I have had gum problems for years, even while following a traditional dental routine. Also, I had no pain or bleeding. Don't judge me, but I have yet to go and get the pricey gum cleaning procedure.

     All in all though, I took the news as a win for homemade glycerin- and chemical-free toothpaste. And no, I never told my dentist what I was up to, but hey, he never asked. ;)

Natural Toothpaste 

Here's my recipe for plaque-busting, cavity-healing toothpaste. Feel free to tweak it to fit your individual taste and needs. As with most things natural, you just need to find what works for your body and budget.

 *Just as a reminder- I'm not a dentist. I can't tell you what you should be using in your oral routine. I'm just sharing my personal experiences. Please don't stop using your toothpaste and tell your dentist it's because I said to. I'm no Anti-Dentite or anything (Seinfeld reference, anyone?), but I would prefer to not have an angry mob of them collectively using their tiny drills to bust down my door.

Anywho, onto the recipie then, shall we?

     You don't really need to follow these measurements. It's not an exact science. In fact, when I make it, I really just use a "little of this, little of that" approach. I make it in small batches because I just don't know how long of a shelf life it has, but you could easily double or even triple this recipe.

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe


1. Coconut oil (2 tsp)- Virgin, organic, cold or expeller pressed is best.
-Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antifungal

2. Baking soda (1/2-1 tsp)- Yup, just your regular old Arm & Hammer will do.
-Gently scrubs your pearly whites to make them pearly and white, alkalizes the mouth

3. Sea salt (1/4 tsp)- If you can, use one that's unprocessed so it's rich in minerals.
 -Astringent, aides in healing, alkalizes the mouth to reduce bacteria growth

4. Peppermint essential oil (2 drops)
-Makes your toothpaste taste like toothpaste, antiseptic

5. Tea Tree oil (1 drop)- Never swallow this oil! It can be toxic.
-Antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral


1. Add the coconut oil. Depending on how warm it is, the oil may be liquid or solid. If it's solid, warming it up a little will help you have a smooth, evenly distributed final product, but it's not necessary. I normally do this by just putting the oil in the bowl and then holding it in my hands for a few minutes. Mmm..body heat. You can also heat some water in a separate bowl and put the bowl with the oil on top as a kind of double boiler

homemade toothpaste-coconut oil as solid
Coconut oil as a solid

2. Add the sea salt and essential oils. Mix well so that it's all evenly distributed.

Sea Salt

3. Add the baking soda. Stir, stir, stir.

Homemade Natural Toothpaste:Baking Soda
Baking Soda

4. Let it sit until the oil hardens again. The toothpaste will become opaque.

Homemade Natural Toothpaste:Finished Product
The Finished Toothpaste

5. Brush with it! I use my finger to scoop a little onto my brush.

Homemade Natural Toothpaste on Toothbrush
Homemade Toothpaste on a Brush

You don't need any fancy tubes or whatnot. You could put it in virtually anything. I make and store my toothpaste in these little bowls and just cover it with plastic wrap. A jar with a lid or cap would work great, too!

Homemade Natural Toothpaste:Storage Bowl
Store you Toothpaste However You Like

I think it tastes good, but it did take a little getting used to. It won't foam like traditional toothpaste because it doesn't have any sodium lauryl sulfate, but after a while, you'll forget that you ever wanted it to.

That's it! Let me know if you try this or what natural toothpaste you use.


1 comment:

  1. Just admiring your work and wondering how you managed this blog so well. It’s so remarkable that I can't afford to not go through this valuable information whenever I surf the internet! vegan toothpaste uk
