Thursday, May 15, 2014

Beet Kvass- Drink Your Probiotics!

      Beet kvass is a beautiful, ruby red lacto-fermented drink that is bursting with probiotics. The flavor may take a bit of getting used to (think seaweed covered in dirt), but when you think about all of the good that it is doing inside of you, you'll be excited to chug it down.

      Probiotics are all the rage now a days. They're like black lipstick. That is that a trend now, right? Okay, so I don't know much about fashion, but I do know that everyone in the know is all about probiotics. Why? Because just like the most expensive luxury makeup, they can make you feel good, which makes you look like a million bucks. Plus, you can't eat your lipstick. Unless that's a new thing. Man, I just can't keep up.

But what exactly can probiotics do for me?
I'm glad you asked.

Probiotics are good bacteria and yeast that:
  • assist in digesting food
  • help with digestive disorders, like IBS 
  • improve intestinal health
  • prevent UTIs
  • keep your immune system humming
  • may reduce inflammation, including acne and rosacea 
  • may assist in weight loss  

      I wanted to start consuming probiotics because I'm currently battling with acne, and I mean painful, disgusting, body-went-crazy-from-going-off-birth-control, cystic acne. If probiotics have any chance of helping, I'm on board! I also wouldn't mind just being generally super healthy either.

      There's quite a few ways to get probiotics, but I've found that one of the easiest and least expensive ways is to make a drink that I can down quickly each morning. Enter beet kvass. It's basically just beets, salt, water, and time.

Organic beet
Beets are naturally high in vitamins and minerals.

Here's some of beet kvass' seemingly magical properties:
  • blood tonic
  • promotes regularity
  • aids digestion
  • alkalizes the blood
  • cleanses the liver
  • treats kidney stones and other ailments
  • may help with age spots and thinning hair 

In addition, beets contain so many vitamins and minerals such as:
  • calcium, potassium, riboflavin, magnesium, thiamin, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, C and K, beta-carotene, beta-cyanine, and folic acid. They also have anthocyanins, which can repair DNA.

     How to Drink Beet Kvass

      Because of the strong flavor of beet kvass, I dilute my daily serving down with water.  

      If you add ginger, it gives the drink some flavor and actually helps you absorb nutrients. If you don't like ginger, don't add it. It's your kvass. Add what you like.

     If this is the first time you're adding probiotics to your diet, go easy on the kvass to start with. Start adding an ounce (2T) a day, ideally working up to one 4-ounce serving morning and night. Otherwise, you could experience some uncomfortable symptoms, like bloating.

      Your kvass should last for months if kept refrigerated. You can use the beets for two rounds of kvass. Just refill the jar with more water and salt when you're done the first batch. You can also strain out the beets and start the second batch in a separate jar while the first is in your refrigerator waiting to be drank. That way, you're never out.

      There are recipes that use whey, but I chose not to use one of those because I'm very sensitive to dairy. Here's the simple recipe I used (adapted from The Nourishing Cook).

Beet Kvass Recipe

  • 1 large organic beet
  • 2 tsp salt (natural, unprocessed)
  • 1/2 tsp chopped ginger (optional)
  • filtered/distilled/spring water (no chlorine)
  • 32-ounce mason jar (with a plastic lid if you have it so it doesn't react with the salt)

  1. Wash the beet. As long as it's organic, there's no need to peel it. 
  2. Chop the beat into a large dice (too small and it makes alcohol).
  3. Put it in the mason jar.
  4. Add salt and ginger.
  5. Fill mason jar with water. 
  6. Stir with a non-metal spoon.
  7. Let sit out of refrigerator and sunlight for 2-3 days.
  8. Open once a day to skim off any mold (You might hear this make a sound as gasses are released). 
  9. Refrigerate and drink!   

    kvass in jar
    Ingredients in jar
    chopped beats
    Chopped Beats
    glass of kvass
    Glass of Kvass

Did you dry this recipe? Have you ever had kvass? How do you get your probiotics?  
*Just a reminder- I am not a healthcare professional. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any ailments. Consult your doctor before beginning any new health regiment.
